Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Photos from my Scoliosis Journey

Recent photo from 02/29/2012 Kevin and I went down to the concrete boardwalk near Pier 60 at Clearwater Beach (just 4.5 miles from our home =) for my walk! Felt amazing to get in the sun and feel and smell the Gulf breeze. Everyone around was so relaxed and happy, and big plus I bought a gorgeous sun dress at a little shop before we left! Amazing day <3

I was very deformed pre surgery

This is a photo of my Spinal Stim or Bone Graft Stimulator

Holy moly, this is what I looked like in the ICU with my NGT Tube, or as I call it the "Nose Hose" = miserable

Bandage over the small hole where they inserted the IVC Filter through my groin around my leg into my lower back (through my veins and arteries) and into my renal gland. Poor quality pic but you can see a little green tint. I had terrible bruising all over my thigh and hip.

They used a giant needle to insert a wire into an artery and then move it around through my hip into my lower back near my kidneys and into my renal gland. I was not aware this was what I was signing up for. If I had, I possibly wouldn't have been able to go through with it. Now it's just a tiny red bump slightly raised. A waste since I had it removed 6 days later. 

Again a poor quality photo my upper thigh was terribly bruised all the up into my hip.

A pic of my bandage after my IVC Filter removal when my body rejected the device only 6 days after having it implanted

This was SO uncomfortable. I couldn't turn or bend my head or neck AT ALL. They put this very tight compression bandage because they removed the filter through my jugular.

Once I removed the bandage. Small incision, but major irritation from my allergy to latex, natural rubbers, and adhesives.

You can see the indentation in my neck from how much pressure they applied on top of the removal site above my jugular vein.

Scary Sherry lol! This is why they did not allow children under the age of 12 onto this floor. My stomach was so swollen from the meds I look like I am in the maternity ward.

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